Surfing for All in Playas de Rosarito

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The coastline between Punta Descanso and Punta Mezquite is truly a gift for those who love to ride the waves. Surfing can be enjoyed year-round, but summer is when conditions are absolutely optimum. The pier traps sand around the base of its supporting pillars and this modifies the currents, meaning the large waves which surfers love come in from the north in summer, while they enter from the south in the winter.
Alongside Ensenada, Rosarito is one of the best recognized surf destinations in the state, and this means there are surf schools, instructors and board rental available. Whoever wants to learn to ride the waves should definitely make this destination a must-do, safe in the knowledge that beginners and experts alike flock to the pacific waters here.
Playas de Rosarito, B.C., México
See map