Discover the Gastronomic Flavors of Dolores
Head for the food area within Mercado Hidalgo and the Mercado Independencia. Try the typical flavors within these ancestral recipes: vitualla (pork and chickpea soup), barbacoa de hoyo (lamb roasted in a pit) cooked with maguey stalks, stuffed chilies, mole, tortas de carnitas (pork sandwiches), tortitas de capón de dedo, gorditas (fried cornbread) stuffed with oats and spinach, and atole (pre-Hispanic sweet drink made from corn). If you have a taste for exotic dishes then you should try stuffed pigeon, squirrel in chipotle sauce, rabbit in green mole, and tortitas de quelites (pigweed sandwiches). Don’t forget to try the artisanal beer Seis Soles, produced locally.
El Carruaje Restaurante, Guanajuato, Centro, Dolores Hidalgo Cuna de la Independencia Nacional, Gto., México
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