Old Cuernavaca Train Station
Antigua Estación del Ferrocarril de CuernavacaThe maestro Ariosto Otero’s color palette and his very particular sgraffito technique will always evoke images of the railway in the Old Cuernavaca Train Station, which brought with it a great deal of advantages to the area.

It is impossible to write about the history of this municipality without mentioning the presence of the Mexico-Cuernavaca railway. During the Porfiriato (the period of rule of Porfirio Diaz) it connected Mexico City with the Pacific and transported products all around the country.
After one hundred years of service, in 1997, the railway’s activity came to an end with the advent of motor vehicles.
Anyone walking through here today will discover a welcoming space, designed with gardens and roundabouts, children’s playparks and a kiosk. You will see a few train carriages and railway machinery, as well as a cycle path leading to Polanco.
The mural El viaje del siglo XX (“20th century journey”), the work of Ariosto Otero, deserves special attention. It depicts the popular Máquina 501 with characters that evoke the Mexican Revolution, the traditional organ player and various celebrities from the Mexican theatre, cinema and music. The water cistern for the irrigation system in this plaza served as the canvas for this muralist, originally from Magdalena Contreras, in his work Cuando murió el tren (“When the train died”).
Parque Ferrocaril, Ferrocarril de Cuernavaca, Esquina Álvaro Obregón, La Magdalena, Barranca Seca, Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico
See map