
CEART Tijuana

Centro de Artes Tijuana

This modern space brings culture to the Zona Río; here you will find the Centro de Cultura de la Legalidad, and the Centro de Artes Musicales where music and performing arts classes are imparted; there’s also the Museo del Trompo where kids can come and be engaged in science and technology in interactive halls. Bubbles, cells and fingerprints are some of the presented themes, music is made, compasses spin, you can observe your own shadow and research the planets. There is a 3D cinema screen and an audiorama where conferences, concerts and art or robotics workshops are often held.

This space also includes the Culinary Arts School, an education center specialized in gastronomy where a Culinary Arts Degree and Sommelier and Wine Cultivation Diploma are offered, as well as various short courses such as basic cooking, American baking, and barbecue. Highly regarded chefs have passed through this school’s kitchens. It was the state’s first culinary center, and now 20 years after its founding, it leads the way in culinary development to showcase the best of the cuisine from Mexico and Baja California.





CEART Tijuana, Vía Rápida Oriente, Rio Tijuana 3ra Etapa, Tijuana, B.C., México

See map