The Center of Cuajimalpa
Here you can still breathe a cleaner and fresher air; walk along its steep streets that rise and fall, with straight lines that suddenly twist, it feels like walking through the countryside.

Avenida Juárez is Cuajimalpa’s oldest road and is the one that leads to the center of the municipality. At the place where it meets Calle Coahuila, you will see a couple of typical houses; particularly prominent is the one with a tile-covered gable roof, in front of a stone fountain placed there by the local government in 1902.
If you walk towards Jardín Hidalgo you will come across the San Pedro Apóstol Parish Church, one of the town’s most emblematic locations. It boasts a neoclassical style facade, upon which stands out a frieze formed of metopes and triglyphs—elements of Greek architecture—; two niches frame the doorway. In the middle, on a plinth, is the papal coat of arms which alludes to Peter as the first Pope of the Catholic church. Its interior has a nave and a transept, and upon the main altar is Saint Peter the Apostle, within a cedar tree.
The center, the heart of Cuajimalpa, is the setting for ceremonies and fairs. The performance of the Passion of Christ in Cuajimalpa is the city’s second most attended, after Iztapalapa. It has taken place ever since the end of the 19th century, and one of its unique aspects is the traditional Cuelga de Judas Vivo (live hanging of Judas), on Holy Saturday. Another moment of celebration is the Feria de Cuajimalpa, during Holy Week, when locals offer diverse products from all around the country such as handicrafts, food and jewelry, among other items.
Parroquia de San Pedro Apóstol, Avenida Juárez, Cuajimalpa, Ciudad de México, CDMX, México
See map