Cuatrociénegas Dunes
Dunas de Yeso
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Coahuila is home to an astonishing white glass desert that will stun anyone visiting it for the first time. These are the Dunas de Yeso (Plaster Dunes), a 3-square mile expanse where strange natural sculptures have stood for millions of years, molded by erosion. There are only three regions on the planet with a similar landscape: New Mexico, Texas and Tunisia, so don’t miss the opportunity to see this spectacular place during your visit.
Millions of years ago, Coahuila formed a part of the Tethys Sea, when the water receded, it left lakes behind whose waters began to evaporate as thousands of years passed by; but the plaster was left behind, in deposits that formed the dunes. This kind of sand is composed of calcium sulfate, which is what gives it its shiny, soft appearance. The material is combined with silicon, which gives it a smoother texture.
The landscape appears like something taken directly from the extravagant imagination of a symbolist painter. Enjoy a walk through this incredible place, through gullies and along trails. You might come across small animals such as rabbits and lizards and other forms of endemic life, which have adapted for survival in this universe of light.
Dunas de Yeso, Cuatro Ciénegas, Coah., México
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