Parish Church and Priest’s House
Parroquia Santa María de la Asunción and Casa CuralThis church is home to the town’s patron saint. It was a monastery founded by Franciscan monks in 1531. In the 19th century, it took on the aspect it has today.

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This parish church dedicated to the Assumption of Virgin Mary has a crenellated atrium. Inside, the eyes are treated to a world of wood: the Mudejar ceiling, the chorus railing that runs throughout the nave, the main altar, and the statue of the Virgin herself—it’s all carved; it all shines, or has something to say. Next door, adorning the walls of the Casa Cural, or priest’s house, there are paintings by Luis Toral González, the famous Zacapoaxtla artist who also authored the murals inside the church dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Parroquía de Santa María de la Asunción, Avenida Reforma, Centro, Ciudad de Tlatlauquitepec, Puebla, México
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