Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve
This is the largest nature reserve in the Mexican Caribbean, and a UNESCO World Heritage site. It covers more than 520,000 hectares and has three main areas: Muyil, Cayo Culebras, and Uaymil. Within the biosphere reserve, more than 23 archeological sites have been discovered as it is believed to have been a trade route between Tulum and Muyil. Other parts of the reserve were sapodilla tree plantations–to produce chewing gum–until the middle of the 20th century. Don’t miss the Arrecifes de Sian Ka’an and the 68 miles of Arrecife Mesoamericano reefs.
Reserva de la Biosfera Sian Ka'an, Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo, México
See map