Destino Magical Town Magical Town


Discover the center’s hidden corners, take a boat trip on the El Molino lake or swim in the pool, and buy local handicrafts.

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Current weather overcast clouds 10
Humidity 53%

Services in Compostela

What Makes it Magical

This place, the land of shells, is perfect for enjoying its body of water, the colonial plaza, and its streets full of hidden corners waiting to be discovered.

Why You Should Go

Templo del Señor de la Misericordia (Lord of Mercy)

Housed within the high altar of this temple is the wooden polychromatic sculpture representing the Lord of Mercy, a Spanish Christ from the 16th century, which boasts a chiselled silver halo as well as various ornaments given as gifts by the town’s miners

Don’t Miss

  1. Take a boat trip on the El Molino lake.
  2. Visit its tobacco center.
  3. Go to the Regional Museum