Ruins of the Old Salt Factory
Ruinas de la Fábrica de SalFor decades this was Viesca’s most important center of work.

A mile northeast of Viesca’s Plaza de Armas are the ruins of what was once the Fábrica Sulfatos de Viesca S.A., which was prosperous throughout the 20th century. Six decades ago it was probably Viesca’s main source of employment, which was a much larger town back then. It exploited the area’s old natural salt mines in order to produce sodium sulfate and chloride, i.e., salt.
The Sal Hada, used in countless Mexican homes, has its origins in this town. In 1993, the factory closed its doors and its installations were left abandoned.
These ruins are not exactly a touristic site, but it is a very impressive space that photography enthusiasts will love.
A great number of the abandoned buildings have completely crumbled. Two large chimneys and a group of tanks have survived, although they all look very rusty and close to collapse.
To one side you can make out some underground structures and in to the northwest the enormous white plains of crystallized salt, which were probably evaporation basins.
The entire area forms a very peculiar landscape, like something out of a science fiction movie. When you visit, be careful where you walk, because the pathways and structures are weak.
Antigua fabrica de Sal, Viesca, Coahuila de Zaragoza, México
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