
Paracho Cultural Center

Casa de la Cultura

The history of this cultural center began in 1929 when, by the decree of General Lázaro Cárdenas who was then president of Mexico, this place was built as a boarding school for indigenous children where they were taught trades, art, Spanish, and sports. Today, it continues to educate as a center for the arts, putting on exhibitions, presentations, and art and handicraft workshops. Paracho’s most important places come together here: Museo Club Lauderos A.C. (museum run by stringed instrument makers), the Archivo Fotográfico de Paracho (Paracho’s photography archive), Taller de Juguete Popular (folk toy workshop), Sala de Conciertos Jesús Valerio Sosa (concert hall), and Biblioteca Pública Eduardo Ruiz (public library).

It is also the setting for larger cultural and artistic events: Festival Internacional de Globos “Cantoya Fiesta y Color,” celebrated with lighted sky lanterns; Tianguis Artesanal de la Feria de la Guitarra, the artisan’s market during the international guitar fair; Concurso Estatal del Juguete Popular, the state folk toy contest; and the Concurso Nacional de Constructores de Guitarra, in which guitar makers from around the country compete, as well as expos showcasing the region’s culinary and artisanal skills. When entering this place, you can’t miss the Pueblo de Guitarras mural by Oaxacan artist Amaury.






Casa de La Cultura, Francisco de Castro, Centro, Paracho de Verduzco, Mich., México

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