Franciscan Convent of Tzintzuntzan
convento de Santa AnaDiscover Michoacán’s first convent in all its plateresque and baroque glory. The country’s only immersion baptismal font is here.

Founded in 1526, Santa Ana was the first Franciscan convent in the region and Michoacán’s first cathedral. The compound is made up of several churches and spaces that are well worth the look: Temple of San Francisco, a church with a plateresque front; baroque-style Temple of La Soledad with age-old olive trees in the courtyard; the cloister that now is Tzintzuntzan Cultural Center, displaying the place’s history; and Capilla Abierta de San Camilo, the open chapel where the first mass in the state was celebrated almost 500 years ago.
Templo de San Francisco y el Convento de Santa Ana, Calle del Convento, Tercer, Tzintzuntzan, Michoacán, Mexico
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