Peña del Rosario Hiking and Climbing Area

Tlaxco sits in an area with a large stretch of forest and mountains, perfect for ecotourism lovers. In the town of Acopinalco del Peñón (10 minutes from Tlaxco), this large, rocky outcropping is just the place for rock climbing and hiking, and you can reach the top without being a pro climber (11,200 feet above sea level).
Useful Information
There are two stories about the origin of this place. The first says that it was a peak in the ocean, and the second is a legend. It recounts the story of Xochuca, the so-called “la flor que llora” (crying flower). One of the four nobles in the ancient República de Tlaxcallan sent for it to mark the grave of his daughter. Hire a local guide to hear the legends about this magical spot.
Peña del Rey, Tlaxco, Tlax., México
See map