Múzquiz History Museum
Come and visit the diverse collections conserved here in this institution, considered historical patrimony.
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As soon as you enter this place, you will find yourself face-to-face with the region’s age-old past, with 90 million-year-old fossilized tree trunks. There are also pieces of clay and various belongings used by the nomadic cultures that inhabited the region, before the arrival of the Spanish. In another space in the museum there is a hall dedicated to the Mexican Revolution, with photographs of various revolutionary leaders, old flags, and documents from the era.
You can’t leave without visiting another two halls dedicated to the Kikapú and the Negros Mascogos; with photos that demonstrate their behaviors and customs.
Museo Historico De Muzquiz, Hidalgo, Zona Centro, Santa Rosa de Múzquiz, Coah., México
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